The event showed many interesting moments such as Percat loosing a wheel nut which is pictured below: Wall also experienced issues with loosing a full wheel and still managed make it back to the pit lane: The V8 Supercars Super Test also featured a Red Bull air display: Here is a montage of different photos that show the drivers getting up onto the ripple strip: Click the button below to see the full gallery of photographs from the event:
Here are some recent articles I have created on Newzulu: Sydney: Socceroo, South Korea fans swarm to Asian Cup final Link to Article: Sydney: Petrolheads revved up for Nulon Nationals competition Link to Article: Sydney: Truck crash closes lane, disrupts traffic on M7
Link to Article:
The Hi-Tec Figure 8 Drift Series Finals this year provided some close and exhilarating drift style racing. Here are just a couple of the photographs I captured at the event: On 15th of November, Roseville College held their annual rowing regatta at Iron Cove, Sydney. A wide variety of schools entered making for some exciting and tough competition. Families, friends, coaches and the rowers themselves gathered together on Rodd Point giving the day an enthusiastic vibe. Throughout the day, photos were captured from various locations including up close to the rowers from the official race tinnies and on the Point giving an excellent view of the action. Click the button below to see all the photos from the day:
On the 20th of September I had the chance to cover the BMW and Porsche Track Day. This event was hosted at Sydney Motorsport Park. All competitors completed series of Supersprint laps. Supersprint racing is where all the competitors are racing against the clock to see who can set the fastest lap times. Here are just a few shots taken at the event: Click the button below to see all the photos captured throughout the day: